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Thu 20 February 2020
The current 18-hole championship course at Bury St Edmunds Golf Club dates from 1969 when the original 1924 course was re-designed to accommodate the construction of the A14. A nine-hole ‘pay and play’ course was opened in 1991.
Both courses benefit from on-going upgrading and this particular project, carried out under the design and supervision of well-known golf industry expert Peter Jones has seen the features of the golf green complex changed to improve the strategy for golf and make maintenance easier.
(Digger at work with Landscape20 in foreground)
(Purpose-built digger rake)
Issues such as invasive tree roots and poor quality bunkers were tackled at the same time.
The re-shaping and re-contouring of the green complex was achieved with 120 tonnes of British Sugar TOPSOIL’s Landscape20 topsoil, which was used at a depth of 15-20cm over the course’s natural sandy loam soil. Before topping off with Landscape20, the existing soils were shaped, de-compacted and levelled using a purpose-built rake. Finally, a dwarf perennial rye grass turf was laid over the Landscape20. Throughout the entire operation the putting surface of the green was left intact.
(Placing Landscape20 by hand)
(Coarse sandy loam raked and Landscape20 placed)
Peter Jones chose Landscape20 because of the success he had had with it on similar projects: “The properties of Landscape20 allow you to create the structural shapes needed around bunkers and greens, and the naturally occurring nutrients within it result in great turf growth.”
(Peter Jones)
Peter formed Peter Jones Associates Ltd (PJA) in 1995. He is a well-known figure in the golf greenkeeping industry, having formerly been at Woburn G&CC for three British Masters Tournaments before becoming manager for design and maintenance with International Resort Holdings Plc. He has worked extensively on bunker projects, drainage, greens and course improvement projects, and has an eye for detail. Nationwide clients include: Royal Guernsey GC, Tyneside GC, Beaconsfield GC, Northwood GC, Ely City GC, Saffron Walden GC, Worcestershire GC, Ladbrook Park GC, and Royal Blackheath GC. Peter is a seasoned speaker and trainer at BTME and BIGGA events specialising in mentoring of existing and aspiring Golf Course Managers.
Sports Pitches;
Recent design & project management projects include the relocation of Bournville RUFC to a brand new multi-pitch complex in the centre of Birmingham complete with floodlit 3-G and natural grass and rugby pitches, plus a £1.4m development for Hertfordshire County Council, including natural turf pitches, floodlit artificial, and MUGA sports pitches. Other sports pitch involvements include: Shrewsbury Sports Village, Surrey University, and the design of Broadstreet RUFC – Coventry, and award winning Highwood School, and ACS International.